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Windows Phone Store includes 340 000 apps

Microsoft to merge Windows Phone Store and Windows Store

Both Windows Stores continue to grow

Microsoft has updated its dedicated ‘Numbers’ webpage with the latest figures for the Windows ecosystems. As per the webpage both Windows stores now include 525,000 apps combined. Divided by stores, the figures reveal that Windows Phone store offers 340,000 apps while Windows store has 187 000. With hundreds of new apps added each day, Microsoft surpasses the half million mark for Windows apps and is heading into the next threshold – 600,000.

There were 300 000 apps in the Windows Phone store in August, so around 40,000 new apps have been added in less than two months time, which is a great achievement for the platform. While the Store continues to grow, Microsoft is still lagging behind the leading mobile platforms in terms of the total apps. Of course, the numbers are not good indicators for the apps quality but generally you will have more choices on Android and iOS than Windows Phone. For comparison, Google has around 1.3 million apps in the Google Store.

Microsoft is preparing to unify its phone and desktop ecosystems in 2015 with Windows 10. The new platform will work on all kinds of devices and will support universal apps from combined Store. While Technical preview for PCs is already available for consumers the ‘Phone’ version is expected in the first quarter of 2015.

Source: Venture Beat