New Lumia app from Microsoft for touchless interaction with the phone

Gestures is a new Lumia-exclusive app
An entirely new way to interact with a Lumia smartphone is now available as Microsoft has released a new application in Beta called Lumia Gestures. This is a nice and handy tool for all users who want to interact with their smartphone and perform tasks without touching the screen. The video below shows the current features available in the first Beta. We expect more gestures to be added in the future but the start looks very promising.
With this app you can control basic phone functionalities such as answering a phone call, disabling the microphone, putting the call on speaker, or you can silence the phone when someone is calling, and it’s all done without touching the display. After installing this small app you can answer a call by just putting the phone to your ear or turn the speaker on by placing the device on a flat surface. The microphone can be muted by turning the phone face down, while an incoming phone call can be silenced by flipping the screen down on a surface.
Lumia Gestures Beta works on any Windows Phone 8.X device but the low-end smartphones Lumia 530, 630 and 635 have limited functionality. Download Gestures Beta from the Store, then open the app and you will be prompted to restart the phone to enable the enhanced interaction.