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Microsoft’s Andromeda becomes Windows Core OS

Windows Core OS Andromeda
Windows Phone Area

‘One Windows’ finally arrives in 2018

Multiple sources have already confirmed the Andromeda OS news we reported in February this year, but now some new information pops up. According to Windows Central, Microsoft may officially call the new unified Windows core that runs on different form factors as ‘Windows Core OS‘.

Andromeda / Windows Core OS will be an evolution of the ‘One Windows’ vision – an attempt to finally unify all Windows versions across the device types. Windows Core OS will be the chassis, the base for every Windows device, while different parts and elements could easily be added on top of the common core. By doing this, Microsoft will turn Windows 10 into a fully modular platform.

As we reported earlier, Microsoft is working on a mobile-type device that runs Andromeda OS. The possible Surface Mobile (Phone) will likely arrive sometime in mid/late 2018, followed by other form factors. Surface Phone will only have those Windows elements on top of the Universal Core that are suitable for the form factor. In fact, from 2018 there won’t be Windows 10 Mobile anymore – everything becomes Windows 10 with modules built on top of the common core.
