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Microsoft prepares a major redesign for Skype UWP app

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Skype for Windows 10 updated with new UI

After the recent updates that brought brand new Skype experience on Android and iOS, Microsoft seems ready to introduce major changes to its UWP app for PC and Mobile. Skype UWP for Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10 has just been updated, but only for Insiders in the Release Preview ring. The update is not available for those in the Fast Ring, because Microsoft temporarily paused updates to core Windows apps.

Although this Skype update is not so big in terms of visual changes, it probably prepares the app for the upcoming major refresh on Windows 10.

Microsoft removed the hamburger menu for navigation between conversations, contacts and bots, used also to access Settings, your account and send feedback. The ‘…’ menu at the bottom is also gone. Instead of the two menus, Microsoft put a Profile menu at the top center, along with a Plus (+) on the left and a Dialpad on the right.

The Settings menu is hidden in the Profile page, while the Bots are under the (+) menu which you bring up to start a new conversation. Here are two screenshots of the new Skype on Windows 10 Mobile:

Skype New update no hamburger menu

All these changes, and more, should gradually roll out to everyone on Windows 10 this month.

Source: All about windows phone

