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Maestro mail client launches for Windows Phone, free for 24 hours

Maestro mail client launches for Windows Phone, free for 24 hours
  • On March 19, 2015

Maestro is a new email client supporting gestures

Hidden Pineapple has just released its email client called Maestro for Windows Phone 8.1 devices and you will be able to download the app for free for the first 24 hours.

Maestro is a new email app that allows you to select a different theme for each account. The app supports three mail providers (Outlook, Google and Yahoo) and you can manage many personal accounts from a single app.

Maestro support gestures so you can swipe to archive, reply or delete an email. You can add messages to favorites and pin email accounts to the Start screen for quick access. It seems that this first version of Maestro doesn’t show detailed information on the Live Tiles, but we expect this functionality to be added in future update.

Maestro app for windows phone 8.1

Grab Maestro (a limited 24h offer) from Windows Phone Store. The regular price is $1.99
