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LED notifications come with the next Preview of Windows 10

LED notifications come with the next Preview of Windows 10

Microsoft brings LED notifications to the Windows Phones

The recently leaked screenshots of an upcoming build of Windows 10 Technical Preview for Phones show many new features and improvements, but it looks like the LED notification support for phones is the most significant one.

In the Notifications + Action Menu users can now change how the apps notify them. In addition to vibration, sound and banner, users will be able to select LEDs if their phone has it.

It is known that some of the new devices like Lumia 930 and Lumia 730/735 have a dedicated LED light waiting for Microsoft to bring support for it.

Besides LED notifications, the upcoming pre-release version for Phones has the ability to remove and add an account without hard resetting the phone, new toggle switches, new messaging app, new microphone settings and more.

There are indications that the second Preview of Windows 10 for Phones will be rolled to Windows Insiders this week, and more Lumia devices will be supported.

LED notifications support for windows 10

source: windows phone mania poland