Digital Video Stabilization included in Windows 10 Mobile
Phones without OIS can record less shaky videos
Microsoft is working on a number of interesting features for Windows 10 Mobile and Digital Video Stabilization is one of the upcoming imaging improvements for all devices including those in the bottom end.
Digital Video Stabilization feature will be built into Windows 10 for Phones, allowing you to produce stabilized videos even with low-end smartphones that do not have OIS.
After upgrading to Windows 10 later in 2015, some of the smartphones will have an advanced feature for controlling the level of added stabilization and all processing will happen in real time, while the video is recorded.
Here is a video demonstration of two videos taken by holding two entry-level smartphones side by side while hiking down a rocky hilltop. Video stabilization was created in real time. All processing was done on the phone running Windows 10 Mobile.