Windows Phone devices with 512MB RAM run 99% of the apps in Windows Store
If you intend to buy a Windows Phone handset or already have one, the following statistic might be very encouraging. All About Windows Phone had analyzed their database of Windows Phone apps officially available in the store and have revealed the results on how many of the apps can run on 512MB RAM devices.
Here is the moment to say that All About Windows Phone is a reliable source as it has been quite correct in the past. The results surprise very pleasantly. The findings show that only 331 apps out of 149,078 currently active in Windows Store are not compatible with 512MB RAM devices. In other words, the users can enjoy 99, 76% of the applications versus 0, 24% incompatible. As you can see from the picture below, there is another diagram presenting the proportion for games as more demanding in terms of hardware. Here, the situation is not much different. The incompatible apps are 0, 361% versus 99, 63% compatible. This is evidently a good news for those who intend to use middle-end Windows Phone smartphones as in most of the cases they would not find a difference in comparison with the high-end devices.
However, the findings have some hidden details which make the picture even more positive. Actually, 199 apps out of 331 incompatible come from only two developers Manna and, which makes approximately two thirds of the apps incompatible with 512MB RAM devices. In addition, the developers are constantly releasing updates which make previously incompatible apps compatible with lower specification devices.
The only issue is that from the list with incompatible games many are high profile games, such as Halo: Spartan Asslt., Mass Effect:Infiltrator, FIFA 13 and so forth. So the implication is that the owners of Lumia 520, 521, 620, 720, and HTC 8S should not be annoyed with their choice. Only the consumers for which gaming is of large interest should consider what to buy carefully.
Source: All About Windows Phone