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Windows 10 does not require DENIM, has a phone recovery tool

Windows 10 does not require DENIM, has a phone recovery tool
  • On February 11, 2015

Denim is not a prerequisite for Windows 10

The upcoming Windows 10 Technical Preview for Phones could be installed on all supported smartphones (those models included in the first wave) even if they are running an older version of Windows Phone.

That means all pre-Denim users who are still waiting to receive the official firmware can jump straight to the Preview version of Windows 10 once it becomes available for their devices. Microsoft has not specified which models will be included in the first wave, but we believe all models from 2014 will be supported, plus the old-flagships – Lumia 920, 925, and 1020.

For those of you who feel that installing an early, unrefined version could be too risky, Microsoft will provide a special recovery tool so users can easily revert to a previous version. This is a great news and should encourage more testers to try Windows 10 on their phones, while Microsoft will receive valuable feedback for bugs and problems.

Windows 10 Phone preview is coming this week, so stay tuned.