Windows 10 Mobile Insider build 15051 fixes frequent reboots and other bugs

Windows Insider Fast Ring goes to to Build 15051
A week after build 15047 reached the Insider Program, Microsoft rolls out another test build of the Redstone 2 (Creators Update). Windows 10 Mobile 15051 fixes many issues found in previous releases, such as random reboots in 15047, music playback issues, and other things.
This build also has some known issues you should be aware of before installing it on a primary phone. Firstly, there is a bug that causes background tasks to not run properly in the background – especially in OneDrive. The company also notes that some devices may still reboot randomly running this build, and after a restart the call, text and email history may be lost. Another possible issue is related to the browser – Microsoft Edge may reload web pages while scrolling.
Overall, 15051 is a solid and very fast build, and despite some issues, Microsoft is on the right path to releasing releasing the official Creators Update to phones. We guess there will be at least 3 preview builds before the public roll out in April.
Read the full changelog for build 15051 from Microsoft