Typing indicators available in the Messaging app for some users

Real-time indicators in SMS chats on Windows 10 Mobile for Vodafone UK users
Rich SMS communication through the Messaging app is now available for some users on Windows 10 Mobile. The feature, that shows when the message is delivered or read, and when the other person is typing, looks to be a carrier dependent, with at least one company confirmed to be supporting that rich SMS chat – Vodafone UK.
The feature works in a similar way to the indicators in social apps like Facebook Messenger where the users can see the other people’s statuses and whether they are typing at the moment.
This advanced messaging service requires a carrier approval and a new firmware update for the Windows 10 smartphone in order to be enabled.
Microsoft keeps working on integrating Skype and SMS into a single app for Windows 10 devices, and the rich SMS chat is a big step towards the right direction. At the same time, the Messaging app on Windows 10 Mobile still lacks some important functionalities like the ability to send and receive files and photos via Skype.
source: Gmrtec