How to track and find a lost Windows Phone

With Windows Phone platform users can track and find a lost smartphone, which could save both nerves and time. This is a free service allowing you to ring, lock, erase or show a lost Windows Phone on a map using any computer with Internet connection, thus you can prevent someone from using the device and access personal information.
The service is called Find My Phone. It can be accessed from the main menu in your Microsoft account on (you log in with the same username and password as those used to sign in on the phone).
Once you select Find My Phone from the menu, you see a map showing your phone’s location. You can press on Refresh to make sure you see the latest data.
Ring phone
To make the device ring, click on Ring. The Windows Phone ring and vibrate, even if the ringer volume is off.
Lock phone
Click on Lock and follow the steps. There is a new window where users can type a message to be shown on the lost device. A 4-digit PIN must be set to unlock the phone at a later stage. There is also an option to make the phone ring. Instructions about the unlocking process are sent to your email.
Erase phone
This could be useful if you feel the device is stolen, lost forever or you have personal information you want to protect. From the menu, select Find My Phone –> Erase, select Yes and then confirm the process.
Set up the phone to save location periodically. On your Windows Phone tap on Settings -> Find My Phone. Another option is to use text messages to send commands or apps. From a Microsoft account you can send up to 15 messages in every three days.