Spartan browser leaked in screenshots

An early look of Project Spartan on phones
The new web browser, codenamed ‘Project Spartan’, is yet to arrive on Windows 10 Technical Preview for Desktop and Phones but details are leaking every day. We have already seen an early version of Spartan on PC, but today for the first time have some real screenshots of the new browser for Phones and small tablets.
Published by, these screenshots are showing a rather different browser than the current Explorer. The address bar is at the top of the screen, while the bar at the bottom has just three dots revealing a hidden menu for tabs, hub, share, add to reading list, settings, find, and feedback.
It is interesting to see the ‘reading list’ and ‘Hub’ features which will make possible saving webpages for offline reading. The browser bar at the top looks modern and clean, doesn’t have a hamburger menu, and the reading view option we love from Internet Explorer is also here.
To summarize, these screenshots of Spartan for Phones are showing a browser which is too early in the development stage, but the start is promising and we expect many new features and improvements in the coming weeks and months.
Microsoft should release a second Preview version of Windows 10 for Phones this week or early next week and we hope that Spartan will be included.