Samsung devices getting Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 before old Lumias
Samsung rolls out the latest version of Windows Phone to ATIV S
Samsung has started rolling out an official firmware update to Samsung Ativ S Windows Phones bringing Windows Phone 8.1 (Update 1). Alongside the latest version of the OS, ATIV S devices are also getting new radio drivers.
This update is for unlocked smartphones non-part of the Developers Preview program. So far, only Lumia 930 and the recently launched Lumia 830 & 730/5 are running the latest version of the platform, while the other smartphones are still on version 8.1 (without Update 1) unless included in the Preview program.
Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 includes a lot of improvements and new features: live folders, apps corner, new alarm options, internet over Bluetooth, accessory app, improved selection of apps, messages and calls, and more. Read more about Update 1 in this section.
Source: WPU