New ‘Remind Me’ button rejects Incoming calls and adds Cortana reminders

The Phone app now includes a link to Cortana reminders for incoming calls
Microsoft has added a handy new option in the Phone app for incoming calls. The button ‘Remind Me’ will appear on your screen for incoming calls, providing that Cortana is enabled on your device – keep in mind that the assistant works only in a few countries and languages.
The new ‘Remind Me’ button rejects the call, but also creates a Cortana reminder with the text ‘Call Back’ and the ability to add time, person or place.
For example, if you want to ignore an incoming call and call back later, you can press ‘Remind me’ and then select a location like Home, Office or a Store. Then Cortana sets a reminder for you that shows up when you leave or arrive to that specific location.
You can see and delete reminders by going to Cortana → Reminders.