Microsoft: Surface Phone will try to reinvent the category

Microsoft’s Chief Marketing Officer hits at Surface Phone coming in 2017
Chris Capossela, Microsoft’s Chief Marketing Officer, reveals for Windows Weekly that the next first-party hardware in the phone segment will try to create a new category of device. Just like the Surface Pro tablets, Surface Book, HoloLens and Surface Studio, Microsoft’s next phone won’t be just a normal device, but a device that hasn’t done before. Capossela says:
…one goal we have is to essentially try to create a new category of device that hasn’t been done before that frankly can expand the total adjustable market for the Windows ecosystem…In all those cases we are looking to create a brand new category that our OEM partners can then follow behind us and do in massive volume, and that hopefully expands the number of devices that people want because we create something new…
He also reveals that Microsoft is planning great new hardware for 2017, and the Panos team is not going to compete with the premium devices in the same category. Instead, Microsoft wants to inspire OEMs to follow behind and expand the Windows ecosystem.
So far, Microsoft’s plans for Mobile are unclear. The company announced that ARM processor will soon be able to run full Windows 10, while there is a rumor that Continuum for Phones will get support for Win32 apps.
We expect a new Microsoft branded “phone” (mini tablet or something like that) not before late 2017 or even early 2018. Such a device may be powered by a next-generation of ARM processors, more advanced than the Snapdragon 835. A device with a powerful hardware, Win32 support in Continuum and other innovations may be the key to revive the ‘Windows on Phone’ and OEMs’ interest.
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