Lumia Storyteller painted in black after a massive overhaul

Dark theme, new Timeline, and other changes
Lumia Storyteller has got a massive update bringing a black theme instead of white, optimization for large screen devices, improved sharing, new menu and more.
Version 4.0 comes with a new Timeline section that combines video stories and photos and has smaller text elements and thumbnails. In fact, the reworked timeline UI now looks closer to the original camera Hub on Windows Phone. The white theme is gone, replaced by a modern dark background, while the pivot categories are now smaller so users can see more on their screens.
Microsoft has also moved the 3D Globe view from Map to Places, and users can upload their Stories at
Lumia Storyteller is an exclusive app for all Lumia smartphones. The app combines all photos, videos, stories and cinemagraphs into groups by time, places and location. These Stories can be shared with friends, converted into Video slideshows with titles, effects and sound, and then uploaded to the new Lumia Storyteller website. The app was launched exclusively with Nokia Lumia 1520 smartphone, but today it can be downloaded on any Lumia device from the Windows Phone Store.