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Lumia Selfie updated with support for Bluetooth selfie sticks

Lumia Selfie updated with support for Bluetooth selfie sticks
  • On August 13, 2015

Use a stick as a remote camera shutter

Microsoft updated the Lumia Selfie application and the new version includes support for selfie sticks. Those of you who are not ashamed to take selfies with strange accessories can connect a Bluetooth selfie stick and try to snap a photo.

The app also supports Lumia Treasure tag – an accessory that can be used as a remote shutter.

From the app description:

Lumia Selfie is the perfect app for taking self-portraits with your front or main camera and sharing them with your friends. It’s easy to capture the perfect picture of yourself, automatically enhanced and ready to share. You can use a Treasure Tag accessory as a remote shutter in Lumia Selfie. You can also fine-tune your selfie’s appearance and apply high quality effects. The remote shutter feature requires the Lumia Cyan software update or later. To get the latest software update for your phone, go to Settings > Phone Update. Remote shutter works best when you have the Treasure Tag app version 1.7 or later installed.

Here is the download link.