Lumia Denim vs Lumia Cyan: camera startup comparison

The new Lumia Camera with Denim is super-fast
The most exciting features coming with the Lumia Denim update are the improved photo capabilities for PureView devices with Snapdragon 8xx processors. After updating to Denim, which brings new OS version and new firmware, Lumia 1520, Lumia Icon, 830 and 930 smartphones can run the new Lumia Camera 5 application. While waiting for the Denim Update to roll out to your phone you can see how fast the new camera app is compared with the pre-Denim version.
A new video compares two smartphones in terms of camera startup time – one with the Denim Update (Nokia Lumia 1520) and one on the old Cyan (Lumia 930). You can see that the new Lumia Camera app on the Lumia 1520 is way faster than the app running on the old firmware with Cyan. And the good news is that the speed improvements are not just when starting the camera, but also when taking and saving photos and videos.
The Lumia Denim is now available to a limited number of smartphones, but according to Microsoft all smartphones should get the update before the end of January. Keep in mind that only high-end Lumia devices (second generation) will be getting imaging improvements which are part of Denim. For all other Nokia Lumia smartphones, the Denim update will not bring new firmware with camera improvements in addition to the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1 (Update 1).