List of phones eligible for Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update

Models not in the list can still upgrade through Windows Insider
Microsoft has officially published the list of smartphones eligible for the Creators Update without joining the Insider program. As we told you last week, the company is dropping official support for some of the older models, most notably for former flagships Nokia Lumia 930 and Lumia 1520. The company also informs that phones not in the list for Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update will be excluded from Windows Insider for Redstone 3 update.
Here is the list of the phones with official support for Redstone 2:
- HP Elite x3
- Microsoft Lumia 550
- Microsoft Lumia 640/640XL
- Microsoft Lumia 650
- Microsoft Lumia 950/950 XL
- Alcatel IDOL 4S
- Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL
- SoftBank 503LV
- VAIO Phone Biz
- MouseComputer MADOSMA Q601
- Trinity NuAns NEO
All other models can still install the Creators Update (Redstone 2 /build 15063) from the Windows Insider program. These phones will also continue to receive monthly cumulative patches as long as Microsoft supports the RS2 branch.
Here is how you can join Windows Insider and get the Creators Update on phones like the Lumia 930:
- Sign up here to become an Insider
- Go to the Phone Settings → Update & Security → Windows Insider program
- Tap ‘Get preview builds’ and select one of the rings (we recommend ‘Release Preview).
- Once the Creators Update is published for your ring, you will receive it from ‘Phone Update’. Then you can leave the Insider program from the Settings.