International variant of Alcatel Idol 4s may be coming soon

A global variant of the Idol 4s already supported in the Windows Device Recovery Tool
Alcatel’s Idol 4s has received many positive reviews from media outlets in the US, after the flagship phone launched for T-Mobile in October. But with such a limited availability of the 4s, and one year-old Lumia 950 line, it’s no surprise that Windows 10 Mobile continues to decline in market share.
But today’s update to the Windows Device Recovery Tool hints that Microsoft and Alcatel may be considering to offer the Idol 4s in the free market. Among the newly supported phones in the software tool is the unlocked global version of the phone, as well as HP Elite x3 for the Australian carrier Telstra.
Alcatel Idol 4s is the best consumer-focused Windows 10 phone you can buy at the end of 2016. Having the Snapdragon 820 processor with 4GB of RAM, 64 GB of memory and 21MP camera, the Idol 4s offers a premium metal-glass design at a reasonable price. Microsoft and Alcatel still have not confirmed the Idol 4s for non-T Mobile customers.