Huawei: no plans for new Windows Phones in the near future

Huawei, the Chinese company that released two Windows Phones in the past dubbed Ascend W1 and W2, is not planning a third Windows Phone anytime soon, according to Richard Yu.
The reason for putting Windows Phones on hold is that the platform is not lucrative enough. Huawei failed to deliver really attractive devices on Windows while company’s Android models have made a great impact. Today Huawei is the third largest smartphone manufacturer with 20 million shipments in Q2 2014 and the company sees an impressive growth of 100% compared with the previous year.
It looks like Android is the only option not only for Huawei but for most of the small low-cost OEMs. Richard Yu said that Huawei was losing money for two years on its Windows Phones.
“We have worries about Android being the only option, but we have no choice.”
Samsung’s new OS called Tizen has no future too, according to Yu.
What do you feel about Android becoming the only player in the mobile market? Do you feel that another OS has a real chance to be that successful? We hope that Windows Phone is now stronger than ever and ready for the last battle for its survival.
Source: WSJ