HERE Transit – tackle the public transit system with ease
HERE Transit is a useful travel tool developed by Nokia that makes it easier for you to navigate around any large city using the public transit system. You can plan your journey within seconds and compare different routes and travel options. HERE Transit is currently available in over 700 cities in 50 countries, so if you own a Windows Phone 8 device and live in an area covered by the service this is the only travel app you need. The full list of supported countries and cities can be found here.
HERE Transit for Windows Phone lets you plan a trip in advance. You select the destination, departure and arrival time, and then tap on ‘Let’s go’. The application suggests different travel options using the public transit system and you decide which one you prefer. All routes are organized horizontally, using colors, numbers and names, in order to make it easier for you to make a choice.
The routes are divided into small parts showing details about each leg of the journey alongside with the number of changes and the walking distance. By tapping on the ‘Show map’ icon, you can see the selected route on the map. If walking is required, HERE Transit provides turn-by-turn navigation to the station.
You can create a route to your home and pinned it to the Start screen for easy access. When you need to get home, you just tap on the tile and HERE Transit provides you the best possible route.
The app syncs with HERE Maps and Drive, so all locations are automatically added to HERE Transit in order to get there via public transport.
HERE Transit for Windows Phone 8 is available for free at the Store. You can grab it from the link below.