Double-tap to wake up for Lumia 950 is not a mission impossible

The new Lumia line may get double-tap after all
Double-tap to wake up the phone was among the most beloved features for the Windows Phone fan. The feature was introduced by Nokia with the first Windows models, but later, Microsoft included it in its own models announced after the Nokia/Microsoft deal.
That’s why the omission of double tap to wake up from the new models released with Windows 10 Mobile on board is strange. Many users have been disappointed that flagship phones like the Lumia 950/950 XL lack one of the features that everyone loves.
Fortunately, it seems that double tap may return to some of the new models after all. The head of the Insider program at Microsoft recently wrote on Twitter that “Double tap on 950 is a common request, upvote it in Feedback Hub! “
@RayVanEe Double tap on 950 is a common request, upvote it in Feedback Hub!
— Gabriel Aul (@GabeAul) April 29, 2016
It looks like Microsoft is listening its customers and double tap may be coming to the Lumia 950s in future updates. Stay tuned!