Custom Accent color introduced in Windows 10 PC Build 15014

You can set your own color as accent in Windows 10
Windows 10 continues to pick up new features in Preview builds for Windows Insiders, and one of the interesting is the Accent color picker in Personalization → Colors.
Prior Windows 10 build 15014, you could only select one of the 49 pre-defined colors from the menu. In Windows 10 Creators Update, you will be able to set any color you want thanks to the new accent color picker. You can play with the slider and see a preview of the color, or tap on ‘more’ to enter a color code. From the blog post:
Speaking of accent colors, and for those who sent feedback asking for more than our default selection of accent colors, we’re happy to share that Build 15014 comes with a new custom color option to our Colors Settings. Go in and select any color that piques your interest! Use the color picker to explore and preview your options, or if you know specifically the color you want, click “more” and enter the RGB, HSV, or HEX color code. Try it out and share your thoughts! We’ve also made our new custom color picker available in Background Settings if you have “Solid Color” or “Picture” (type “Center” or “Fit”) selected.
The custom color functionality has not been included in Windows 10 Mobile with build 15014. For now, the feature is a PC-only.
Would you like to have custom accent colors on your Windows Phone?