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BLU to upgrade four of its six phones to Windows 10 Mobile

All BLU phones with 1GB of RAM will be upgraded
BLU published a list revealing which models will be upgraded to Windows 10 Mobile and which will be left without support.
The company aims to upgrade four of its six models to the new platform, and only the Win Jr and the Win Jr LTE x130q won’t receive the update. Both phones without an update are 512MB devices and Microsoft has already announced that devices with low amount of RAM won’t be upgraded.
Here is the list:
- Blu Win HD W510u: Update available
- Blu Win HD LTE X150q: Update is on pause. (bug fixes)
- Blu Win HD LTE X150e: Update is pending
- Blu Win Jr LTE X130e: Update is pending
- Blu Win Jr LTE X130q: Update not available
- Blu Win Jr: Update not available
As can be seen, the Windows 10 Update should now be available for the BLU Win HD W510u.
Source: Lovable Lumia