Bing Weather for Windows Phone 8 updated, adds wide Live Tile support and more
Bing Weather for Windows Phone 8 has been recently updated to version 2.02. The update brings important improvements and new features, such as a double wide Live Tile size support and a support for lock screen integration.
In the prior version of the app, there were only two Live Tile sizes available – small and medium. Now, the update adds support for double wide Tiles. On the front side of the tile the application shows the current forecast, including location, min/max temperature, wind speed and a weather image. On the back side of the tile is shown the forecast for the next five days.
The lock screen integration provides you with weather information for your current location directly on your lock screen. It displays basic information (current temperature, min/max temperature, and location), along with wallpaper which reflects the current local weather.
The update also brings some improved graphics and new settings, as well as mountain information for winter resorts. The mountain information is separated in additional page showing details for a mountain in specified winter resort, such as vertical drop, open lifts and trails, and summit height. The app is only available for Windows Phone 8 and can be downloaded here.
Source: All About Windows Phone