Armor Battalion: Tank Wars launches for Windows 10 as a UWP game

New game published in the Windows Store
The arcade tank shooter game is now available for Windows 10 devices from the Store for $1.99 with a free trail. You can play the game on a PC, tablet or phone, and control a tank in a 3D world. Start from the ‘Training day’ mode to learn the basic things, and then progress to missions like ‘Convoy’, ‘Secret Base’, ‘For Oil’ and others. During each campaign you can select a difficulty level – easy, normal (default) or high.
The game is optimized for touch controls, although you can play it in Continuum mode on traditional non-touch screen using your mouse and keyboard.
Game description
War waging on ! Between the Federation and the Brotherhood, the struggle for resources finally drives the two factions from small skirmishes to total war. The future of humanity hangs in the balance. … “Armor Battalion: Tank Wars” is an arcade tank shooter. In this game, you have the power to steer a whole tank squadron on the battlefield. Achieve victory by giving your men effective orders, making strategic plans, and calling battlefield supports. Stay tuned, more content will be added in future updates.